qm docu review interview story back
The printed game documentation came in different formats for different editions. See the comparison page for details.

For online research, 4 digital versions are available:

  • HTML This virtual booklet is a combination of both the C64 and the PC version. Until page 9, the two are almost identical. But then the PC booklet really gets wild and adds 16 pages of scenario, technical details, a short essay on software piracy and lots of game tips. The back cover, again, is almost identical, only that the price for a backup disk has increased from $6 to $10 within a year...
    I replaced the very bad b/w screen scans in the booklets by color screen shots, and formatted the text to look as close to the paper version as possible.
  • pdf: contains the (somewhat mutilated) original screen scans,
  • txt (from project64)
Some additional material: Most booklets claim that you can enter demo mode by hitting the commodore key as the very first key. This doesn't work, though, in any but the C64 alternative version.

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