Over at Blow The Cartridge,
Cameron Davis did an online cartoon about Psi 5. And lots of other games, of course...
Sadly Cameron passed away on the 17th of May 2024. Raise your glass in memory of a man with that rare gift: Making us laugh!
There also has been a print comic about Psi 5! It appeared in the
"Computer Warrior" series of Eagle comics 210-215, March to May '86.
The author was D. Spence, the artist Mike Western.
The series was about a character who had to, Tron-like, enter a computer
and succeed in the real life versions of various computer games,
to save a friend's life. See
Wikipedia for details.
After much patience and searching, I finally found all of the issues.
Enjoy the online comic of Bobby's
adventures in the Psi 5 Trading Company
(about 500 KB each).
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