- Resolve Note Fields: This is a non-standard convention that Glossary Converter defines to allow round trip conversions Glossary -> TBX -> Glossary for undefined fields. If you have a field in your source (for example Excel) that is not valid in TBX, like Customer, it gets converted to a generic note field. Normally that would be <note>Acme</note>, and you'd lose the original field name. So instead it is converted like this: <note>Customer::Acme</note>. On back-conversion, the value is split at the first colon(both :: and : are valid), and the left part is used as the field name.
This obviously only works if TBX note fields follow the convention, i.e. when they were created by the Converter. If there is no colon in the value, it will just convert to a field called note in the glossary.
- Write history data: TBX can represent change dates and owners. If you don't need them, they unnecessarily bloat the file size. For example sdltb files always have history fields, but you may not want them. Untick this box to ignore any history data.
TBX 2 only
- Basic: Tbx 2 has a lightweight variant called TBX Basic. Some tools like MadCap Lingo only read this basic variant. This option won't cover each detail, but for most data produces valid TBXBasic files.
Note: this is not the same as the V3 Basic dialect, which ironically is the most heavyweight dialect. - Use MultiTrans XCS: If your data includes xcs files, they may be used to resolve numeric field values to strings, see here: MultiTrans xcs
- Ask for XCS language: xcs files may contain field maps for multiple languages. You can either choose one from a list, or let the converter choose, see here: MultiTrans xcs
TBX 3 only
- Dialect: This affects 2 things:
- The TBX file header, against which validity is checked
- The available predefined TBX fields in the mapping. If you choose Core, you have (almost) no mapping options, while Basic provides the most detailed list of fields.
- Use TBX V3 Mapping File: If your input data has only field names and values compatible with TBX 3, or if you don't care about field types, untick this. Default Mapping will be applied. Otherwise follow the steps for Mapping with a mapping file.
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