Swiglitz, Repair    <-  home  ->


Age: 52 - Altros

Qualification: Expert at repairing cannon, thermo, missile and blaster systems.
Education: Studied 2 yrs. at Techoroum Technical School, Vrotron device repair.
Experience: 3 yrs. Earth base repair, 1 yr. as apprentice.
Strengths: Performs well in stressful situations. Can execute orders well. Loyal & friendly.
Weakness: Has some old enemy-acquaintances who seem to track his whereabouts. Weak on engine repairs.

"I've gotten the tasks you ordered done, sir. I hope I did well, sir."
"Sometimes I feel that I need to take action on things at the moment, sir. Await your next order."
"Looters! I'll try to keep things here secure!"
"Oh, am I glad the looters are gone! I'll get my department up and running!"
"Robodroid two is damaged. I will have to remove him from action."
"Robodroid two was hit in transit again!"
"I'll try to get things done but we have lost robodroid two! Unrepairable!"
"Now we've lost robodroid five! He's been hit!"
"Five's been hit again! We're getting short of help!"
"Robodroid five has been fried! Useless!"
"We're in trouble. Robo seven has been hit!"
"This is getting really bad! Robo seven has been hit again by enemy fire!"
"Rest in peace or pieces, robodroid seven."