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Bru Marmo
Age: 31 - Leapion

Qualification: Expert on Droid Defusion units. Good with reactors and info scanning equipment.
Education: Studied 10 yrs. at Techoroum Technical School. Mastered vector repulating.
Experience: Operated repair facility on Delfan for 2 yrs.
Strengths: Very aggressive and honest nature. Works very hard and is a good leader and coordinator.
Weakness: Sometimes displays a "bossy" attitude towards peers. Has offended superior officers in past.

"Hey, up there, I've done my usual great job! Now what?"
"You should pay me more! Do I always have to take the initiative to fix everything around here?"
"Get those looters out! Where is our defence around here?"
"Those looters are gone but they sure left a mess down in cargo."
"Robodroid two is damaged! I'll have to pull him off the line!"
"We've taken a hit in the department! Robodroid two got hit again!"
"I'm sorry to say, but robodroid two is useless."
"We've got a problem. Robodroid five is damaged and unable to work!"
"Oh! Now robodroid five has been hit again. He's in bad shape!"
"Robodroid five has been completely destroyed."
"One of our best robos, robo seven, has had a malfunction caused by a hit!"
"Robo seven has taken a second hit from enemy fire!"
"I'm sorry, but we could not save robodroid seven. He's gone, sir."