If your data contains history data (sdltb, xdt, or tbx), you may want to limit your export by date or owner. This can be done on the term level or the entry level. For date filtering, use one of these formats:

2020-04-22 or  2020-04-22T16:30:00

Available history fields 

listed here for Entry level

  • creation date: CreationDate > value, where "value" stands for a date and time
  • last change: ModificationDate > value, where "value" stands for a date and time
  • creation user: CreationName == value, where "value" stands for a possible user name
  • last change user: ModificationName == value, where "value" stands for a possible user name

Term Level access 

Entry changes should always indicate the latest change of any language and term.To filter for changes in one language, prefix the history field with language and Term, like this: French.Term.ModificationDate. The same 4 history fields as above can be used.

Missing fields

Sometimes only a few entries have history data. If you have a filter on a history field that does not exist, the filter always is assumed to match and a history-less entry will always be exported.

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