Churglik, Scanning    <-  home  ->


Age: 340 - Flipogian

Qualification: Good with most info scanners. Also rated good on 434 Tracking Lock System.
Education: No formal courses. Self taught in sub-visual detection & identification.
Experience: Contracted short- term on Xeon Scouting Team.
Strengths: Loyal & dependable. Good self-motivation. Excellent endurance levels. Communicates well.
Weakness: Gets nervous & flusters easily. Doesn't work quickly under pressure situations.

"The navigator has suffocated due to a failure of the life support system!"
"What will we do now that the engineer has died from his broken life support system?"
"Who will guide the ship now that the navigator has been ZAPPED?"
"Help! The enemy is focusing their fire on my sector of the ship! Here comes another blast...OH NO!"
"The weapons specialist has just been blown to smithereens!"
"Those rotten scum have just vaporised our engineer!"
"Our repair specialist has been blasted to bits! Who is going fix things we need?"
"Those space scum have destroyed some of our precious cargo! Get them!"
"Those pirate scum have boarded and are getting away with our cargo!"
"Whew! They're gone. I hope they left some cargo!"
"An unidentified craft is entering our scanning range."
"Sniff, sniff...Hey I think we better hurry. The cargo is getting ripe!"
"I've completed the examination of all the ships you requested."
"I believed that it was necessary to commence an examination on my own."
"Info scanner has been damaged!"
"Please tell repair to take a look at our broken info scanner!"
"The info scanner has just melted down!"
"The tracking lock system is flaky!"
"Tell repair that the tracking lock system has failed!"
"Tracking lock system has been blasted to pieces!"
"The cargo environment sys. is damaged and requires attention!"
"We are in danger of losing our cargo if its environment sys. isn't fixed!"
"Our cargo environment sys. has been destroyed! Run for it!"
"I've just noticed some damage to our cargo stabilisation unit."
"Cargo stabilisation unit is broken and needs fixing!"
"The cargo stabilisation unit has been destroyed!"