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Sheema Sampu
Age: 22 - Titan

Qualification: Good, logical thinking mind. Strong performer on all defensive systems.
Education: Graduate of Space History and Applied Device Design Institute.
Experience: Many exploratory missions with Earth teams.
Strengths: Above average ruggedness. Very good with vaccdroid communication. Has some telepathic skills.
Weakness: Can be overly deliberate with her duties. Doesn't like risky or stressful situations.

"I'm dying! My life support unit is malfunctioning! I require a robodroid now!"
"It seems that I'm experiencing life support malfunction! I need help!"
"I detect the looters have boarded! I'll try to keep our systems stable."
"I've kept our systems stablised while we were being looted. Awaiting orders."
"We've got a problem with reactor one. Only have half power!"
"Our problem with reactor one has grown worse! It's broken!"
"We've had a complete meltdown on reactor one!"
"Damage to cooling system in reactor two. It's getting warm down here."
"Reactor two has reached a critical point! It's useless until repaired!"
"Reactor two. Meltdown of critical components!"
"Personally, I'm concerned about my own life support system. It has been damaged and I need assistance!"
"I really need help up here to repair my malfunctioning life support! Please!"
"Captain...I can't brea...the..."
"The navigator is in trouble! Damaged life support system!"
"Life support system for the navigator is broken! He needs help fast!"
"Our navigator's life support unit has been destroyed."
"Get repair up here to look at the Cravenlator! It's acting up!"
"The Cravenlator has done it again! It's broken!"
"The Cravenlator is junked!"