If you check this option, History Fields are added to the spreadsheet. It adds a lot of columns, so it's harder to read such a spreadsheet, but it does allow you a termbase > spreadsheet > manual edit > termbase workflow without losing history data,

This option always adds the history columns to the spreadsheet, even if there is no history data in the input file. In that case, empty fields are added.

If you convert back to tbx, empty fields are skipped, so you won't get empty nodes in your data.

When converting to sdltb, history is mandatory, so if you have empty fields, history defaults to the time of conversion and the current user's login name.

The history columns must have one of these headers:

Entry History

  • >>E<<_H_CN for name of creation user
  • >>E<<_H_CD for date of creation
  • >>E<<_H_MN for name of modification user
  • >>E<<_H_MD for date of modification

Term History

  • >>T<<_H_CN for name of creation user
  • >>T<<_H_CD for date of creation
  • >>T<<_H_MN for name of modification user
  • >>T<<_H_MD for date of modification

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