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Ryblo Flarn
Age: 29 - Alpha

Qualification: Expert at programming and analysis of Frapiod Defense Pod.
Education: No formal study. 10 yrs of contract work around Jagon territory.
Experience: Contract work only.
Strengths: Precise, reliable work. Works well with peers and is a very good source for contraband.
Weakness: Is sometimes lazy and has a temper. Also has a hard time communicating with upper command.

"All repairs completed. I might take a little break."
"I've initiated some repair and am awaiting orders."
"I hope the looters don't discover the robodroid bionic parts in cargo!"
"Those astroholes stole our bionic robodroid spare parts! At least they're gone."
"Robodroid two is out of order! I'll try to get him back into action!"
"What's happened to our protection! Robodroid two has been hit by fire!"
"Robodroid two...complete meltdown!"
"What's the story on our defence? Robo five has been damaged!"
"Robo five has been damaged further by a lucky enemy shot!"
"Robo five is damaged beyond repair, sir."
"Robodroid seven just malfunctioned. I'm not sure, but I think he's been hit!"
"Enemy fire has taken its toll! Robo seven has gotten hit again! He's out!"
"Robo seven has been vaporised! I'm trying to get things stable around here!"