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Craven Micheals
Age: 33 - Lollian

Qualification: Expert on all weapons systems. Desurpelator programmer and debugger.
Education: Field experience & 4 yrs. Sovian Engineering School, Jagon Territory.
Experience: Chief engineer during Gorlin explorations.
Strengths: Easy going, loyal. Very good troubleshooting skills. Communicates very well with crew & command.
Weakness: Tends to be passive by nature and clumsy in stressful situations.

" life support!! I only have one life up here!"
"Please get someone in repair to look at my life support system! Please!!"
"Here come the south side looters! They look real nasty."
"Those astrolooters are so dumb. They went for the Cravenlator and left behind some cargo!"
"Only half power on reactor one. Get robos on it. We need the power."
"Reactor one is broken and must be repaired immediately!"
"She's going!..Reactor one meltdown!"
"We can operate reactor two only at half power. Send repair ASAP!"
"We're vulnerable! Reactor two is useless if not repaired soon, sir!"
"We just lost reactor two! Blown to microdust!"
"My life support system has been damaged and is malfunctioning."
"I'm in real trouble down here! My life support system is cutting out!! It's broken!"
"Oh stardust! My life support unit is in a puddle."
"Navigator's life support system has been damaged!! Send some help!"
"Someone has got to get help to the navigator! The life support is broken! Someone has to fly this ship!"
"Navigator will soon be gone! What will we do?"
"Cravenlator is damaged! No telling what will happen next!"
"This Cravenlator is just as useless working as not! Now it's not!"
"Cravenlator has been destroyed!"